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Out of School Club

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CAFOD publish the great News about our Live Simply Award

Despite lockdown restrictions St Richard’s Primary School in Skelmersdale has received a LiveSimply award for its efforts to reduce waste, recycle and improve the environment both close to home and around the world.

Championed by overseas development charity CAFOD, the award was presented to pupils and staff on February 3rd 2021.

St Richard’s Primary School implemented a number of exceptional projects that highlighted the importance of caring for creation and community, including making strong links with the local neighborhood, providing food hampers and delivering cards.

Justine Silcock, a LiveSimply Assessor from CAFOD shares how the message of LiveSimply had a positive effect on one of families in the Skelmersdale community.

“Living simply made them look at things a little differently. They planted flowers and seeds in their garden to attract the bees, and recycled milk containers into bird houses and bird feeding stations. The garden turned into a wonderful space for them to enjoy watching nature and spending time as a family”.

Staff and pupils collated photos of activities expressing their appreciation of nature and the joy of caring for each other, by using them to create a beautiful LiveSimply display, including the famous quote from Pope Francis: “To live simply is not a lesser life or one lived with less intensity. On the contrary, it is a way of living life to the full.”

Reflecting on why the school was inspired to aim for the LiveSimply Award Mrs Carr, RE Coordinator, says:

“Our children are dedicated to serving the local and wider communities and working towards this award was a way of demonstrating just what a difference they make to others”.

“We are also privileged to have such supporting families whose generosity and care enables us all to live out this call by living simply, living sustainably and living in solidarity with people who are in need in many different ways.”

Siobhan Farnell, CAFOD’s Community Participation Coordinator, says:

“It is wonderful to see St Richard’s Catholic Primary School achieve the LiveSimply Award, they have really embraced caring for nature and supporting communities both locally and our wider global family too.

“What is also inspiring is to hear how some of the pupils’ families have embraced the LiveSimply ethos at home too. We all have a part to play in developing a better world and St Richard’s are leading by example, well done to them all.”
