New Religious Education Program -To Know You More Clearly
New Religious Education Directory ‘To know You more clearly.’
This is the new programme of study being taught in Primary and Secondary Schools across the UK. It has been designed alongside the Catholic Liturgical Year and is comprised of six Branches, one per half term. Each branch is taught through the lenses of HEAR, BELIEVE, CELEBRATE AND LIVE.
The Branches are:
- Creation and Covenant
- Prophecy and Promise
- Galilee to Jerusalem
- Desert to Garden
- Ends of the Earth
- Dialogue and Encounter.
Since September 2024 ‘To know You more clearly’, has been rolled out gradually from EYFS to Year 3.
In 2025 we will launch this curriculum in Year 4, 5 and 6.
Each part of our curriculum focuses on key areas to help children understand and grow in their faith. These areas are designed to help pupils know, remember, and apply what they have learned.
The names of these areas are inspired by the Catechism, which teaches us that faith is something we hear, believe, celebrate, and live. These four areas guide the lessons and help support your child’s learning.
- Hear: Learning about the teachings of the Church.
- Believe: Understanding and growing in faith.
- Celebrate: Taking part in the rituals and sacraments of the Church.
- Live: Putting faith into action in everyday life.
For more information about our Religious Education program for years 4,5 and 6 please visit our Key Information-Curriculum tab.