Tuesday 12th
English -
Reading x 20mins
To develop a rich understanding of words associated with running
In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.
Maths -
Place Value to 3 Decimal Places
In this lesson we will explore a variety of ways of representing numbers up to three decimal places.
Art -
Seasonal meal- We started but never finished designing a seasonal meal.
We started to design a seasonal meal before Christmas but never got around to finishing it. Please have a go at designing your seasonal meal again and if possible, make it and try it. If you have time to make your meal, please upload some photos on Purple Mash under your work folder and let me know how it tasted.
Come and See -
LF1 - see attached PDF
Music -
You’ve Got a Friend – step 1
Listen to the song, answer the questions and work through the tasks on the right hand side
(we will put the username/password on Class Dojo in case your child has forgotten it)