Thursday 4th Feb
Thoughtful Thursday
Being kind and caring to your family and friends not only makes them feel good but makes you feel good too. Think about someone you care about and do something nice for them today. You could make them a card, do a job or chore for your grown up, pay somebody a compliment. Stay connected with your loved ones.
Class Novel -
Chapter 4 –
English -
To investigate /ee/ sound spelt 'ie' or 'ei'
In this lesson, we will explore the rules associated with /ee/ sound spelt 'ie' or 'ei'. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.
Maths -
Solving multi-step addition and subtraction problems
In this lesson, we will be applying the addition and subtraction strategies that we have learned to word and real-life problem
Times table - Purple Mash 2do set
Computing -
Lesson 2/3 -Science Quiz
Today you are going to be using a different tool to make a science quiz.
Watch the video below explaining what to do.
PE -
Warm up
Question to research
How often should I exercise?
Extra (optional)
Make up your own gymnastics routine. Think about the different jumps, rolls and balances you already know.