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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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The school follows all statutory responsibility in accordance with safeguarding. These are outlined in our school Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which is publicly available in our school reception.


Our mission is to ensure that all children and adults are safe from harm at all times and can thrive in an environment which is secure and free from abuse and bullying of any kind.


We work hard in creating a welcoming atmosphere which develops the social and emotional needs of everyone; supporting, questioning, loving. At our school people are nurtured, valued and treated equally. Worries, concerns and thoughts are listened to and addressed in an environment of mutual respect. 

At our school we are proud to feel



If you are concerned that a child or adult is at risk of being harmed please contact a member of our Safeguarding Team.


Jennifer Jackson (01695 722346) is the school's DSL (Designated Lead for Safeguarding) 

and other team members are:

Clare Dagnall and Amy Sumner (01695 722346)

Our Governor Safeguarding Officer is Ann Naylor (01695 722346 – leave a message)


Useful links: 

‘Keeping Children safe in Education’

‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’


Keeping children safe online NSPCC

LCC (Lancashire County Council - Safeguarding


If you wish to view the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy please call into the school office and they will provide you with a paper copy. There is also a copy in the school entrance. 




Please view the Policy Tab for our Complaints policy


Early help

Early help means providing support as soon as the need emerges, at any point in a child’s life. Staff at St Richard’s recognise that any professional can provide early help. Lead pastoral members of staff: C Dagnall and S Dunn. Any pupil or family may benefit from early help, but staff will be alert to the potential need specifically for early help for pupils who:

  • Are disabled, have certain health conditions, or have specific additional needs
  • Have SEND, regardless of whether they have a statutory EHC plan
  • Have mental health needs
  • Are young carers.
  • Show signs of being drawn into anti-social or criminal behaviour, including gang involvement and association with organised crime groups or county lines
  • Are frequently missing or going missing from care or from home
  • Are at risk of modern slavery, trafficking, or sexual or criminal exploitation
  • Are at risk of being radicalised
  • Is misusing drugs or alcohol
  • Have family members in prison, or are affected by parental offending
  • Are in a family circumstance presenting challenges for them, such as drug and alcohol misuse, adult mental health problems, or domestic abuse
  • Misuse drugs or alcohol.
  • Have returned home to their family from care
  • Are at risk of HBA, such as FGM or forced marriage.
  • Are privately fostered.
  • Are persistently absent from education, including persistent absences for part of the school day
  • Show any other early signs of abuse, neglect any other identified reason not listed above that requires extra support or intervention to improve outcomes for families and children.

A  DSL with assistance from SENCo/s will take the lead where early help is appropriate and consent has been gained. This includes liaising with other agencies and setting up an inter-agency assessment as appropriate. The local early help process will be followed as required to help provide the right, effective support at the right time.

Staff may be required to support other agencies and professionals in an early help assessment, in some cases acting as the lead practitioner. Any such cases will be kept under constant review assessing the impact of the support. 


We therefore ensure that:

  • All staff and volunteers can identify the risk factors that indicate a family or pupil may benefit from Early Help and can follow school procedures to share this with the DSL
  • DSLs (or other appropriate school staff e.g. SENCo/s) will undertake a Family Early Help Assessment, when appropriate, to identify what Early Help is required
  • DSLs will signpost and refer to appropriate support agencies
  • DSLs will lead on TAF meetings where is it appropriate for them to do so
  • DSLs will follow the local safeguarding processes and refer to Children's Social Care  where Early Help has not been successful in reducing risk and meeting unmet needs using Lancashire Continuum of Need and Thresholds Guidance


Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation

Protecting Children from Extremism and Radicalisation

The Government’s PREVENT agenda encompasses all strategies used to combat extremism and radicalisation. Our duty as a school, within the Government's PREVENT agenda is to:


Risk assess, and reduce or manage any risks to the children

Work in partnership with other agencies

Train staff in order to identify children at risk from radicalisation or exposure to extremism 

Ensure policies are current in relation to protecting children from extremism and radicalisation 

Give children the skills to be resilient to extremism and radicalisation


 We aim to give children the knowledge and skills to enable them:

  • To think for themselves
  • To challenge and to debate
  • To learn about different cultures and faiths and to gain an understanding of the values we share.
  • To explore ideas, developing a sense of identity and forming views are a normal part of growing up. 


We do this through:

  • Our school values, driven by our Mission Statement, aims and objectives
  • Teaching children to live by our school (Christian) values which are inclusive and promote equality and diversity
  • Safeguarding procedures to identify those children who are vulnerable or at risk
  • Promoting confidence, independence and resilience in their learning and thinking
  • Religious Education, collective worship and PSHE
  • Providing a safe environment for discussion and debate, including controversial issues
  • Teaching children about the value of living in a democratic society
  • Helping children understand how they can influence and participate in decision making. We need to encourage young people to express their views but also to appreciate the impact their views can have on others
  • Teaching children to take responsibility for their actions and to understand that the use of violence is criminal
  • Enabling children to make a positive contribution through fundraising to support those in need locally, nationally and globally
  • Enabling children to make a positive contribution within our school through fundraising, school council and pupil voice
  • Teaching children about e-safety
  • Providing opportunities for children to learn about other faiths and cultures, particularly the things we have in common
  • Adopting a “no blame” approach to bullying, which focuses on addressing underlying perceptions and emotions associated to a situation and restoring relationships rather than attributing blame
  • Tackling any instances of prejudice-based behaviours
  • Inviting external agencies such as the Police, to present information to parents and children on E-safety and Cyber Bullying
  • Engaging with the local community so pupils become increasingly aware of their role in society

Guidance - Protecting children from radicalisation: The Prevent Duty


If you wish to view the school’s Anti-Radicalisation Policy please call into the school office and they will provide you with a paper copy .
