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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Year 5




Teacher: Mrs Simpson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Leadbetter, Miss Salmon, Mrs Reed and Mrs Ingman



Reading Books – Please make sure your child brings these in each day.  Please also encourage/ensure that your child reads at home each day, even just a couple of pages. 


PE Kits – Kits can be brought in on the day or can be left in school. Some children, as they get older, want to bring their kit into school on the Thursday and take it home on Friday to wash it.  All children should have a school PE kit (navy blue t-shirt, navy blue shorts and pumps) for indoor use.  Outdoor kits should be plain tracksuit/jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, either navy blue or black.  Hair which is shoulder length or longer must be tied up for safety reasons.
