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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Prayer and Liturgy

At St Richard’s, we celebrate Prayer and Liturgy every day. On Monday mornings, we have a whole school Prayer and Liturgy Assembly led by the RE Co-ordinator. Every other day, Prayer and Liturgy is celebrated in class at different times. KS2 Children are encouraged to plan their own worships and lead these in their classrooms. Children also plan their own school assemblies for parents to attend. In our school, we are blessed to have a quiet room for children who would like to go and pray and we have regular visits from Fr Kenny to lead mass in our school and we also attend church termly.


We believe Prayer and Liturgy in our school allows the children to celebrate and spend time with God. This quiet time in the day allows God to hear our praise and thanks to him through the work of the Holy Spirit.




EYFS Prayer and Liturgy
