Tuesday 2nd March
Class novel- Chapter 16 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXk0j6h6kOM
English- to practise and apply knowledge of silent letters, including test
In this lesson, we will practise and apply our knowledge of silent letters and have a spelling test.
Maths- Interpret Line Graphs
In today’s lesson, we will explore discrete and cumulative data and interpret different types of line graphs.
Geography- Why are rivers important to people?
In this lesson, we will be learning about rivers and why they are important to people. We will be looking at two case studies in the lesson today - the Volga River in Russia and the Amazon River in South America.
Come and See- Please see attached PDF
To explore changes in metre
In this lesson, you will warm-up by playing a game to the tune of 'My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean'. Then, we will move to music in different metres, review rhythm notation and understand the purpose of bar lines. Are you up for the challenge of a body percussion piece where the metre changes?