Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Handwriting - Please continue to work on your joins.
Phonics - Please see the 'phonics splat' for this weeks phonics plan.
Collective worship - Please see the 'collective worship splat' for our weekly plans and powerpoint.
Maths challenge - Attached below.
English - Today we will continue with our English unit of work called 'Information: All about Tigers'.
Please follow the link for our next lesson.
Maths - Continuing with our unit of work on 'Multiplication and Division'. Please follow the link for our next lesson.
Geography - Our topic in Geography is called 'Seven Continents' and our second lesson looks at Europe. Please follow the link for today's Geography lesson.
PSHE - Our topic is called 'Lockdown Capsule' . The next lesson can be found ont he following link.
When we are back in class we will be doing our work to go in the lockdown capsule.
Have a lovely day.