Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 8th February 2022
Safer Internet Day 2022 will be celebrated on Tuesday 8th February with the theme: ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.
The children will access a variety of resources on Purple Mash using ChildNet resources in class. Individual classes will hold assemblies in class suitable for their year groups.
Safer Internet Day - 9th February 2021
Safer Internet Day 2021 will be celebrated in the UK with the theme:
An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world.
Here is a useful link for you to look at as a parent or carer (there are family friendly games you can play, conversation starter ideas and resource sheets):
E Safety CBBC
A good for website for some of our older children in tackling Cyberbullying. It includes some blogs from actors from ‘The Next Step’ and Youtube star Dodie about making the internet a safer place and how to use it sensibly.
Internet Safer Week information:
Use of Social Media and Internet
Please be aware of and monitor what your child is using on the internet at home. We have had reports of children using a social media site called Instragram (a photo sharing site) which allows children/adults to comment on each other’s photos. It has been brought to our attention that children are using this to make unkind and hurtful comments about the person who has uploaded the photo (not necessarily about the photo itself) as there is a function at the bottom which allows comments to be made.
Also please be aware of using parental controls on your computers at home as is it easy for children to access sites that are not suitable either by accident or on purpose.
Console Games\
There have been some recent releases that are causing school concern as children are openly talking about how they access and play these games, and then want to act them out at lunchtimes.\
Many of these games are 18’s and are for adults. Some of the games for e.g. that have come to our attention are Grand Theft Auto and Call of duty. Please help us by ensuring that children only have access to age appropriate materials.
In addition parents have reported to us that they are shocked about the language being used sometimes on X box live and could we warn other parents who might not be aware of what their children are saying to others.
Please read the information on link below for to to consider when you are leaving your child with a tutor, music teacher or coach, never be afraid to ask questions and always be vigilant.