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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Tuesday 23rd February

Class novel - Chapter 11 -


English- To write a narrative scene: First part of final scene

In this lesson, the children will write a compound sentence to use later in their writing. They will analyse model writing for this scene before writing their own narrative for the first part of the final scene.



Deriving decimal addition and subtraction facts

In this lesson we will add and subtract decimals using our known facts to help us.


Come and See – see attached PDF


Geography- What landforms do rivers create? (Part 2)

In this lesson, we will be learning about how meanders in rivers are formed. In order to do this, we will be looking at the process of erosion and deposition in more depth. We will also be learning about how an oxbow lake is formed.  


Music - 

To understand the difference between three and four time

In this lesson, you will warm-up by moving to the pulse, and identifying different beats of the bar. Following that, you will learn two songs which can be performed with a cup pattern as an accompaniment. Finally, you will understand simple musical notation and compose your own three beat pattern.
