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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Year 6

Hello and welcome to our Year 6 class page. 


Year 6

Class Teacher- Mr Spence

 Teaching Assistants- Mrs F Jackson and Mrs Lewis


Below you will find some information to begin the new school year.


Payments to school – As you are all aware school lunches  need to be paid for via the school payment system.  Please make sure your account is topped up in order for your child to have a school lunch. If you wish your child to have a snack, please send in one piece of fruit for break time. Payment for trips will also be made via this system.  It is a requirement that accounts must be in credit before your child can order a lunch.


Uniform – Please ensure that all items of uniform have names clearly marked, including coats/jackets/school fleece. There is a `nearly new` uniform shop available in our KS2 conservatory area. 
