Wednesday 13th
English - 20mins reading and
To analyse the opening scene
In this lesson, the children will complete a sentence level task, further analyse the film clip considering aspects beyond the main character and record ideas as planning to support writing later in the unit.
Spelling test
Maths -
Decimal and fraction equivalence
In today’s lesson, we will be learning how to compare equivalent decimals and fractions.
Come and See -
LF2 Using your poster from yesterday, research another Prophet and compare them to the one you chose. You can present this in any way e.g. poster, note form, power point, template on Purple Mash etc.
Geography -
What is the reason for seasons?
In this lesson, we will be learning about why we have the four different seasons in the UK: winter, spring , summer and autumn. Whilst doing this, we will be learning more about the Sun and planet Earth!