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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Mrs Craig

Supported by Miss O`Byrne, Mrs Reed & Mrs Ingman


A warm welcome to Mr McGale who is currently completing his PGCE Consolidation phase with us in Year 4. Mr McGale has enjoyed getting to know the children and will be with us until Thursday 20th June. 



Below you will find some information to begin our new school year.


Payments to school – As you are all aware, school lunches and trip money needs to be paid by the school payment system.  Please ensure your account is in credit to enable your child to have a school lunch.  At present, snack is not provided by school.  If you wish your child to have a snack, please send in one piece of fruit for break time.  It is a requirement that accounts are in credit before your child can order a lunch or snack.


Uniform – Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name.  This includes coats, jackets, school fleece.


Reading Books – Please make sure your child brings these in each day.  Please also ensure that children read at home daily.


PE Kits – Kits can be left in school.  All children should have a school PE kit (navy blue t-shirt, navy blue shorts and pumps) for indoor use.  Outdoor kits should be plain tracksuit/jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, either navy blue or black together with a pair of trainers.  Hair which is shoulder length or longer must be tied up for safety reasons.
