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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Weekly homework– Year 4 children will receive homework on a weekly basis. Children will be set reading,  timetables and spellings homework.  Topic work may also be set at certain points during the term in the form of a project.  You can find Homework information on our Class Dojo page.


Please ensure that children are practising times tables and reading daily. 

Please check the Spellings tab for weekly spellings.


Spelling / Times tables tests– Every Tuesday children will be tested on the spellings and times tables which have been set for them the previous Tuesday. 


Spellings –  A copy of the spellings for the current half term will be available to view on the Year 4 spelling page. The spelling list will also be added to the class Dojo each week.


Times tables  – At the end of Year 4 children are expected to know all of their tables up to 12 x 12. Times tables need to be learned by rote in order for the children to be able to recall at speed as questions will be given in random order. 

A useful websites for timetable practise is http://www.hitthebutton/topmarks 



Reading books – Year 4 children will continue to follow the school’s Accelerated Reading Programme.  Children should read their reading book each night and have their reading record book signed to confirm that they have read.  Children need to take the quiz on their book in school so will need to bring their books to school on a daily basis.  
