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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Your child's homework is the same weekly. They need to read every night and practise their times tables daily. It is very important that your child is reading at home because in KS1, this is a big part of their learning as they learn to blend and segment.


By the end of Yr2 we want all the children to be secure in their 2, 5, 10 and 3 x tables.  Some children may go on to other tables as they become secure.


If your child is having difficulty with the homework please see myself- Mrs Firth


Children need to bring in their reading books each day, ready for the daily reading session.  Books will be changed on the day they finish their books and have completed their Accelerated Reading quiz.


Purple Mash- Children can access games on here which will help them with their times tables and spellings.  Purple Mash by 2Simple
