Monday 11th
Reading x 20mins
To generate vocabulary to describe a character
In this lesson, the children will revise definitions for key Mrs Wordsmith words, analyse the opening scene of the film and generate vocabulary to describe the main character.
Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 involving decimals
In this lesson, we will learn the procedure for multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Science -
What are the key parts of a healthy diet?
In this lesson, we will learn about what is important in a healthy diet. We will discuss the seven nutrients we need to know as well as their role in the body.
PSHE - Global Warming Use this website, read the information and watch the video. Think about how you can make a difference. Discuss/ jot down ideas with your family.
French -
Describing a thing or a person (part 1/4)
In this lesson we learn how to use the verb être with adjectives to describe a person or a thing. This lesson includes the use of a site called Quizlet, which you will need to ask your parent or carer to help you with.