We at St Richard’s are taking part in the CAFOD Live Simply Challenge and invite you, as staff, governors, parents, children and community to join us.
Central to our faith is that God created each and every one of us with free will and the power to choose. We are accountable for our actions and in order to experience freedom, we must exercise responsibility.
We are setting monthly challenges to encourage us to look at our personal responsibility for making choices what will enable us to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor. These challenges will help us to think globally and make a decision to take simple steps to bring about change for the better.
I will live simply by saving energy.
I promise to turn the lights off when I leave a room and not leave any electrical equipment on standby.
I will live simply by making a change for the poor in my area.
I promise to support the school’s campaign for Community Gift Day to help less fortunate families enjoy a happier Christmas.
I will live simply by Recycling.
I promise to find out more about recycling in my local area and to encourage my family and school to recycle more. I promise to contact my local councillor to highlight the lack of cardboard and plastic recycling facilities for school.
I will live simply by Praying.
This year has been named the year of St Joseph and we want to show how we can be loving, tender and caring to others through our prayers.
I promise to pray for people who do not have a safe place to sleep or enough food to eat; to accept and welcome others as they are, without exception.
I will live simply by becoming more aware of Fairtrade.
I will encourage my family and friends to buy Fairtrade products.
I will live simply by making new friends.
I promise to make an effort to make a new start by getting to know people better and to tell my friends how much I love, appreciate and care for them.
I will live simply by appreciating what I have.
I promise to look after all of my things, treat them with respect, tidy up, put things away and help my family.
I will live simply by walking or cycling to school.
I promise to try to walk or cycle to school more often rather than go by car.
I will live simply by persevering.
I have tried hard to make a difference in my life for others. I know that these small changes can help to make a better world for everyone.