French Cafe
For the remainder of this term Europe Continent will be opening up a French café in our KS2 conservatory. The café will be open to all KS1 and KS2 children during breaktimes on alternative weeks. All items will be priced at just 50p (please bring the correct change). The café will sell a range of classic French breakfast items including pain au chocolate, croissants and brioches. With the support of our KS2 language captains’ children will be tasked with ordering their breakfast in French and spending fake euros. This will help children put their language learning into practice.
The cafe will be open to:
KS1 Year 1 &2 – Friday 26th November
LkS2 Year 3 & 4- Friday 3rd December
UkS2- Years 5 &6 - Friday 10th December