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Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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  • Farewell to Val

    Wed 19 Apr 2023

    Val, our School Cleaner, now retiring,

    A hard-working soul, never tiring.

     She's mopped the halls and dusted the shelves, Leaving the school spotless, like no one else.

    For years she's worked with a smile so bright, Making our school shine day and night.

    She's a friend to all, a face we know, Her kindness and love, we'll surely miss, though.

    No task too big, no mess too small, Val's efforts have kept us standing tall.

    Her dedication and love for our school, Has made a lasting impact, that's a fact.

    As she moves on to a well-deserved rest, We'll never forget all she's done, she's the best.

    So here's to Val, our School Cleaner true, Wishing her joy, laughter, and happiness too!


