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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Thursday 21st January

English - 

To investigate suffixes: -ial

In this lesson, we will explore the rules associated with adding the suffix -ial. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.


Maths - 

Multiply by a two-digit number using long multiplication

In this lesson, we will learn to multiply by 2-digit numbers, including decimals.


Comprehension -

 Unit 3: Animal Testing (pages 18 and 19)


Computing - 

Lesson 3 – Research

You should now have some understanding about the internet and the World Wide Web and how our  school network allows them to access the resources on the internet.

Using Google, find out about Sir Tim Berners-Lee and what he is famous for?

Complete the profile template for Sir Tim Berners-Lee (set as a 2do on Purple Mash)


PE - 

Warm up

Question to research

Why is it important to exercise?

Extra (optional)

Design your own football stadium.
