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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Religious Education Curriculum

We learn to love

and grow in Jesus





We value Religious Education and Collective Worship. As a Catholic school, at least 10% of our curriculum time (approximately 2½ hours per week, per class) is given to RE from Early Years Foundation Stage through to Year Six.


We are a part of the Archdiocese of Liverpool and undertake lessons using the ‘Come and See’ curriculum. This curriculum was introduced in September 2012. It uses relevant resources to make learning fun, interactive, deep and meaningful in each class. At the start of each unit, children explain what they know already about the topic being studied and by the end of the unit, children are able to celebrate as a class to show their understanding from their new learning. 


If you have any questions about ‘Come and See’, please contact your child’s class teacher. If you would like to find out more, please visit


At St Richard’s, our curriculum will:-


  • Teach the Gospel values
  • Be broad, balanced, interesting and stimulating
  • Have a spiritual and moral development dimension which permeates throughout 
  • Provide opportunities for all to succeed
  • Enable all to go out into the world with skills and competencies that will allow them to be accomplished and to thrive as followers of Jesus