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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Thursday 14th

English - 20mins reading and

To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes: -ous, including test

In this lesson, we will recap the rules associated with adding the suffix -ous, look at other words with the same suffix and learn a spelling practice strategy. The 10 spelling words set in the previous lesson will be revisited and tested.


Maths - 

Decimal equivalents of fractions

In today’s lesson, we will be learning how to convert a fraction to a decimal using different strategies.


Comprehension - 

Unit 2: Jurassic Park  (pages 14 and 15)


Computing - 

Lesson 2 – Our School Network and Accessing the Internet

We take it for granted that we have access to the internet in most homes and in school, but without some devices and resources, this would not be possible. In our class, we have laptops, PCs and tablets

 Do you know how these devices access the internet? Think beyond your classroom and look at the whole school. How many devices do we have in the whole school? Can you access the internet from all the devices?  Can you access the internet in all areas of our school? (we sometimes struggle to get a signal.

Look at the powerpoint called Network Device Slideshow (set as a 2do on Purple Mash)

What do you have in your school?

In our school, we have a router.  We have a wired and a wireless network. Check at home with an adult; do you have the same at home as you have in school? What can you find out about the network in your home? Who is your internet service provider?



Now think about the number of schools, businesses, homes etc. all over the world that want access to the internet. 12. Think about your school network and how many of these networks (or even bigger networks) there must be, all linking to the internet. Amazing! BBC resources: What is a network?


PE - 

Warm up

SHARES Health and Wellbeing Project - This week has a focus on Gymnastics. We are really excited about launching this to our PE schools and we hope it can be used to help children stay active within school & home during this lockdown.

Question to research

What happens to our breathing when we exercise and why?

Extra (optional)

Design your own circuit plan. Include 10 different exercises using different muscles around your body.
