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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Tuesday 2nd Feb

Talk about it Tuesday 

How are you feeling today? Can you share your thoughts with other family members at home? It is not always easy to talk about how you are feeling but talking about it can help. Remember it's okay not to  be okay, sometimes we all have off or sad days but trying to talk to someone about how you feel can be a huge help. 


Class Novel - 

Chapter 2 –


English -

To write a diary

In this lesson, the children will review use of dashes for parenthesis, will analyse a piece of model writing to support this outcome before writing their next outcome in this unit, which is a diary entry from the viewpoint of the main character, Lyra.


Maths - 

Subtracting using the column method

In this lesson, we will learn how to use the column method in order to solve subtraction equations. We will also learn how to represent equations using bar modelling.


Music - 

Think about your quick beat you made last week. You made a happy/excited quick beat. This week I would like you to make a sad quick beat. Ask someone in your household to listen to them both and guess which one is which


Art - 

Please see the attached PDF document. Today is all about the artist India Flint. Research India Flint and create a fact file about her on Purple Mash (2do set).


Come and See- 

Please see attached PDF
