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Welcome to St Richard's Catholic Primary School &
Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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English- x20 minutes reading AND 

To identify key characters and events in the plot. In this lesson, the children will revise word classification, learn vocabulary that is key to the unit and explore key characters and points in the plot.  


Maths- Reading and writing 7-digit numbers 

In this lesson pupils establish a relational understanding of the relative magnitude of one million. They will learn to read 7-digit numbers and practice writing them in words and numerals before applying their learning in a matching task.


Geography-Why does the UK have wild weather?

In this lesson, we will be learning about the five main air masses that affect the weather in the United Kingdom.  


Come and See- Explore 

Please see attached PDF on Dojo 


Spelling test and new spellings- the spellings are on Dojo to test (class story) and the new spellings, to learn for next week, will be put on during Wednesday. 
