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Out of School Club

We learn to love and grow in Jesus

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Friday 15th

English - Reading 20mins and 

To write prepositional phrases

In this lesson, the children will correct punctuation and grammar in a sentence level activity, revise prepositional phrases and plan prepositional phrases to be used in their own writing later in the unit


Maths - 

Fractions: Multiply pairs of proper fractions

In today’s lesson we will learn the procedure for multiplying fractions and express the products in their simplest form or as a mixed number


Come and See - 

LF 3 In the New Testament, there are four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Research the gospels and write about each one. Why are there four gospels? What is special about each one? You can present your work in any way you like e.g. template on Purple Mash, poster etc
